Pintos is a simple operating system. we will run Pintos projects in a system simulator (QEMU or Bochs, a program that simulates an 80x86 CPU and its peripheral devices accurately enough that unmodified operating systems and software can run under it.
Pintos Prerequisites
- GCC. Version 4.0 or later
- GNU bintiles:
- Perl. Version 5.8.0 or later is preferred.Version 5.6.1 or later should work -GNU make, veersion 3.80 or later -QEMU: version 0.11.0 or later
qemu-system-x86_64 --version
Pintos consists several modules or subtasks like threads/
and vm/
. And we need to complete them one by one.
To build Pintos from source codes after finishing the subtask, for example threads/
. Run command 1
2cd src/threads/
make builds/
was created under threads/
, kernel, loader, test and other dependencies are created under builds/
at the same time.
After build Pintos, in directory threads/
, Run command make check
. Test results will be created under threads/build/
, which tells the results of testing.